So I am going to bring you a snippet here and there of our world in our corner of Cottonwood Canyon, Bozeman, Montana 2012. We will get to weaving our way through the days of joy and celebration held by so many of our lovely couples this coming summer and by myself in my general daily delight in life. Who says you have to get married to experience joy & celebration?!
A quick catch up on the details since I last blogged. I filed stacks and stacks of papers. Found things so old that my kick-ass assistant Taye just laughed. At me. A lot. K-so filing isn't my passion. I coordinated some truly lovely weddings last year. While pregnant. If you have ever been pregnant and you know what hormones do to your mind, well then you will realize the accomplishment it is to keep it all straight in your mind while runing around all day long on your feet (best way to run, really). ;) I loved it though. I so enjoy orchestrating the smooth flow of a beautiful day and to see the ease of a couple relaxed and know the trust that they place in me. To each of you that allowed me to be part of that, thank you.
Also, I won a limbo contest ( still pregnant. . .;) and in November, I got to usher in the sweetest little soul into our family.. Miss Freya Hennessy Campbell. You have probably never heard this from a mom, but she really is spectacular. Really, I have tried to treasure every moment but sometimes the list is long and the responsibilities are many and you forget to do just that. But then you remember and you pull yourself back to the place in time that is most powerful. Now. So here is wishing you some powerful nows or perhaps just soft, lovely moments to your day. May you recognize them and smile. I will leave you with a few photos to show off a couple of photographers that helped capture my moments in a way my memory could never achieve. Thank heavens for that.