Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Meet my friend Morgan and her sassy blog!

Working in the wedding business is hard on the balance in your life.  I spend endless hours working at the computer on beautiful summer days and often into the night and since I know my brides would prefer to work with a happy, centered and sane person who's personal state is reflected in our interactions, I find the definite need to seek that balance.

My family is an amazing support and a trip to the hot springs so we can get 'our mermaid on' is always a great way to unwind.  However one of my crucial outlets to rejuvenate is my group of sassy ladies called The Assets.  We have this special sort of chaos that occurs when we come together that is uplifting and well, kind of like a whole other home.  It's five ladies, their midgets, their dogs and a whole lot of wine and amazing home cooked food that begins to evolve as we chop and laugh and sip and catch up between a few hollers at the kiddos.

By some great stroke of luck or genius, we are all in the wedding business so we do a lot of Tuesday get togethers since weekends are crazy but they always lift up my spirit for the next round of rocking the wedding world.

My friend and fellow Asset Morgan is the glue that keeps it all together, one of the great instigators and definitely the hostess with the most-ess.  She has just started blogging about our crew and she is witty, well written and generally brilliant, so you are sure to enjoy it. Plus she is one seriously talented wedding photographer.  So check out her blog Morgan LaMare Photography.

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