Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Autumn, strangers!

Well, you may (or may not) have noticed that I have been a bad, bad blogger lately.  Life slid easily from weddings non-stop to a whirlwind of catch up and reconnecting with other projects that were back-burnered during the intensity of wedding season.  To sum up, I had my first weekend off since May and that was a slice of joy.  I escaped to the spectacular Double T Ranch and got my groove on with those fine ladies there, Private Chef Sarah Knecht and all my Assets for a flurry of cooking, tablescaping and photo shooting that ended in a prime rib dinner under the stars. (Photos and details to come on that adventure soon!) I went garage sailing for the first time all season.  I went to my grandfather's 80th birthday celebration in Portland and I made cookies with my daughter.  A little less work and a little more balance.

With this spectacular autumn we have been experiencing, I was inspired to sift through some family photos that Melanie Nashan, of Nashan Photographers did for us this time last year.  Life seemed so busy and it was a challenge to find the time to do this, however without Melanie's gentle encouragement, I would not have these treasures. {Thank you, Melanie!}  I love that we have these memories to reflect on.  I thought I would share them since they do give you a delightful peak at a Woodlands autumn with the glorious foliage and a peak at the people that make the Woodlands all that it is to you.  May your autumn be full of blessings and may you discover bountiful harvests in all your endeavors.

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